Friday, June 1, 2012

Compare Pre indipendence kenya and modern kenya

Kenya at 49 speech

Kenya Before 1963

Kenya has really come a long way and every open minded Kenyan should appreciate the long trek to the modern Kenya. A close look at where Kenya as a country has come from gives hope to Kenyans even when this great land is faced with many challenges. Pre-independent Kenya was had many great challenges and our forefathers didn't become hopeless. Many people born at the end of 19th century spent almost their entire life in a British Kenya full of concentration camps, a Kenya that that was stolen and marred by war and Injustices. Poorly armed young men and women chose to go in the forests and fight one of the greatest Rebellion that left more than 20,000 innocent Mau Mau fighters killed, over 6,000 captured/surrendered ( Most of them later died from torture). The well armed British only lost 200 fighters. The capture of rebel leader Field Marshal Dedan Waciuri Kimathi on 21 October 1956 signaled the ultimate defeat of the Mau Mau uprising, and essentially ended the British military campaign. It has been argued that the conflict help set the stage for Kenyan internal self rule on 1 June 1963 and later independence in December 1963. Kimathi word "it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees" should live on every Kenyan. This words might be the words that a New Kenya will be formed on. 

Kenya at 49

Kenya performance has not been very impressive in the last 49 years. Kenya has made significant changes but there is still a lot to be done. The new constitution was definitely a good moment but there is still a lot to be done in implementing it. Kenya improved infrastructure will go along way in fostering development across Kenya. 

Health care is calling for major improvement, Learning institutions need to be expanded, Justice should prevail in this great land, Corruption is a monster, Internal terrorist is a new fear, Tribalism might wipe us, good leadership is badly needed, unemployment need practical measures, Hunger/famine should be addressed and Hiv Aids remains a big one.

The road to a Kenya that we all want

Every Kenyan is hopeful that Kenya will manage the huge challenges that currently face us. That is our biggest problem, We are very hopeful. There is no single country in this world that has been built on hope. Hope without actions achieves nothing. The last 49 years have been so "great" for those who survive on hope. A new Kenya calls for action.

 Kenyans must stop everything that has made us the Kenyans we are. We must seek a new way as a population, a new way that see things the way they are. Leaders are nothing but a reflection of the people. We must blame ourselves for giving ourselves the worst leaders. What do you expect when you vote in a corrupt mp/president? Presidency is no vice rehabilitation nor is parliament a miracle house. Our actions will decide how we live, we must live by our eyes and not by rumors. I find it funny that we are ready to elect the same people who didn't want to pay taxes. How can we elect someone who has already stolen from us? Good luck if they change. 

Tribalism is as barbaric as it comes. Why do neighbors kill each other for a tribal King that doesn't even know them/care about them. Questions must be asked, "what has Kibaki done to a normal Gikuyu"? A new Kenya calls for harmonius coexistence. Kenyans Living in the same region are faced by the same problems/Challenges. Why do they vote differently and what does it achieve?

Corruption has killed many Kenyans. Too much human contacts creates corruption. The leadership c/o Wananchi need better ways. The era of ICT is here with us and thanks heaven Kenya is performing well. Should we really continue queuing to apply for licences, bills, registration and applications?

Our healthcare is a big shame and the big boys know this otherwise How can Minister for health not trust our own health care? What an insult to the Kenya people. What is the future of Kenya health facilities in a world where doctors are in high demand world wide?

It is time to feed ourselves. Irrigation is not a monster and Kenyans should fear corruption before irrigation. 

All having been said, every Kenyan should Demand a better Kenya that all of us want. A new Kenya that the Mau Mau sought, a Kenya that Tom Mboya dreamt, a Kenya that Pio Gama Pinto wanted, A Kenya that Jm Kariuki and Ouko would not be ashamed of and lastly a Kenya that all future generations will be proud of. 

God bless Kenya.